Photo-Party at the Park

I have to say my favorite place for a photoshoot is at a community park! There are several reasons I prefer the park, such as the wonderful memories children have playing there, the gorgeous scenery, and we always end the photo-party with playing on the playgroud while I capture the pure joy and honest smiles the children can't help but exude.   Here's an peek into the fun of a recent photo-party at the park... 

Another reason the park is my favorite are all the TREES! Living in Northern California, specifically the "City of Trees", we are fortunate to be surrounded by gorgeous parks and beautiful trees. Trees have always had an important, meaningful significance to me as the symbol of life, growth... with deep roots growing strong while the branches of the trees spread out, leaves grow, fall and grow stronger again.... it's quite a marvel. Anyways, off that tangent but I do love trees! I've been privledged to have taken this family's photographs a few times now, they were one of my first customers when I started my business last year and it's been so wonderful to watch this sweet girl grow and capture the love between her and her brother.

My favorite time of year is coming up, FALL! Change of weather, boots and cuddly sweaters, apple picking / cider / beer, pumpkin spice everything too, leaves changing to vibrant colors and blowing in the wind... is it Fall yet?! Well, needless to say, there will be more scenic pics coming this next season, it's my fav! But today, i'm celebrating the summer and these two cuties at the park!  







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