Happy Holidays from TLC!

Wow, time flies when we're doing what we love! For me, it's been creating alphabet art, displaying it on various recycled materials, creating new products and sharing them with my community. So, what exactly have I been up to? Well... In October I entered my Alphabet Artwork in the Sacramento Fine Arts Center "Visions" Photography show and 2 of my pieces were accepted! It was an honor to have my art displayed, be a part of such great talent and enjoy the accomplishment with my family. Here are the 2 pieces accepted: 

This CELEBRATE piece is a vivid metal print displayed on recycled wine barrel staves. 

This SACRAMENTO Alphabet Art is a "TLC Interactive Artwork" - a concept completely new to the market! You can view more information about this concept on a recent blog post @ http://www.truelifecreations.com/blog/2015/9/todays-tlc-s-birthday-with-an-exciting-announcement. And if you love fresh, new, innovative ideas or completly customized art then you will definitely want to check out the 2 minute video below: TLC's "Sacramento" Interactive Artwork- Gold Rush Days

In November I participated in my 1st vendor event and am very pleased with how successful it was. Creating unique and never seen before artwork can be nerve-racking as it is unknown what the response will be, if anyone likes it or if anyone even cares and let me tell you... I received a great response with amazing feedback and compliments about my business concept. Most people "got it", appreciated the uniqueness of TLC's art, the products created and some were interested in having their own customized Alphabet Artwork created just for them.                         

This holiday season, I hope that we all take time to enjoy those precious things in our lives, the things we can't buy; time with loved ones, celebrations, intentful gratitude, joy, laughter and our favorite holiday movies (my family has already watched ELF twice)! But who's kidding who, we are all going to purchase something(s) for some loved one(s) this season so I ask that you pledge your support to a small business in your area. If not from my small business, then someone elses... I'm sure you know other family/friends/neighbor entrepreneurs who make products, own a business, provide a service right where we live. 1 purchase can make a big difference! I'd love to hear of any favorite stores, products, shops you have come across... I'm always on the look out to support other fellow small businesses too! And if you're interested in the unique and customizable products I sell, you can visit my Etsy store @ http://www.etsy.com/shop/TrueLifeCreationsTLC. This holiday season I'm featuring my Artwork on recycled wine bottles that light up with battery operated lights and really illimunate the unique Alphabet Artwork. Thanks for visiting!

~ Truly, Deserea

A message from our President...
"...Small businesses are the engines of our economy. From the pop-up shops in our town squares to the family-owned restaurants that bring our neighborhoods to life, they are what keep America going. They provide the jobs, create the products, and develop the services that drive our Nation forward...More than our drive to innovate our economy, small businesses reflect who we are as a people. They demonstrate the power of ideas-born in family meetings around kitchen tables or in college dorm rooms-and the courageous spirit needed to become your own boss and provide employment for your neighbors. The boundless tenacity required in taking charge of your own destiny is what makes America great, and it has expanded our capacity to live well, be well, and serve others. This year, as we participate in Small Business Saturday, we celebrate the energy, ingenuity, and perseverance of the women and men who open up shop around our country-each with distinct and varied backgrounds, cultures, and identities-and we encourage their contributions to our collective American story." - President Barack Obama via www.sba.gov 11/25/15




Those bottles are amazing!! Absolutely creative! It's true, there's so many small businesses in this country, and they are the backbone of America. And sometimes, they end up becoming major businesses! Such as Walgreens! Walgreens started out as one store created by, who else, Mr. Walgreen! His business stayed small for his entire life. It wasn't until after he passed that his store and trademark took off and became one of the most recognized stores in America. And even if a small business doesn't become a conglomerate like Walgreens, it is still valuable because it creates culture and community within neighborhoods.
Cecilia J.(non-registered)
Deserea...you inspire me to continue working on my Start Up Wedding bussiness where I want to cater to couples who want to get married but feel they can't afford it..you're an inspiration to put yourself out there with something fresh and new...and not giving up on your dreams...and it's paying off...bringing joy to people with your unique art.
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